Tuesday, February 5, 2008

vote please

the cover of time states "why young voters care again." my question is "when did young voters care?" never in my lifetime did the youth care much, but then again all i could ever vote for was a bush or a clinton. so the excuse was either that the vote didn't matter because we were still in the haze of the wonderful clinton years, or kerry just wasn't inspiring enough.

what i love about the time article is the picture of the republican kid at berkeley that tops the story about the youth voting tidal wave. i think he has a fanny pack on. and is it just me, or do republicans like to stick out their chests more than democrats? or maybe it is just this kid, who looks like such a republican ass.

so the kids name is alexander marlow. i googled him and it turns out that he writes for the conservative paper at berkeley and also apparently hates danny glover. read a wonderful article by this young conservative who probably evokes reagan's name at every meal. here.

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