Friday, January 25, 2008

poor detroit and poor kwame

seems like the darling mayor of detroit did it again. now after the reports of dead strippers at the mayor's mansion were silenced, the scandal involving city SUVs being given to his wife subsided, he has come back with perjury. seems that he lied under oath about sleeping with an aide. lying under oath is bad, might cost him his job, the city of detroit a lot more money than the millions already paid out in the settlement of the case where it appears he lied, and his license to practice law. the best part is that he got caught because of text messages. 14,000 text messages detailing his affair which he adamantly denied under oath. story here.

1 comment:

"Post-Google" by TAR ART RAT said...

This story is quite entertaining, was not at all aware- and I haven't sent 14,000 text messages in my whole life... that seems like an impossible amount. Would your thumbs even function after all that?